29th October Republic Day of Turkey
The 29th of October is a highly crucial day for all Turkish people. The great founder of Atatürk declared that Turkey was a republic henceforth by establishing the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 29 October 1923. Since then, we have been celebrating the 29th of October and commemorating Atatürk proudly.
It is a certain duty as teachers and youth to convey this important date and its meaning to our younger ones.
Hence, I created these small cards for our students. They can draw the meaning of the date or they can prefer to write some words or sentences for the day on them. You can hang these cards on the walls, doors, or bulletin boards later on.
Expected outcome: The student is able to grasp the meaning of the importance of the foundation of the Turkish Republic and express his/her feelings about this important date.

How do you come to your school? By ...
Sometimes, it can be difficult to make sense of and memorize the preposition "by" for small kids who learn English as a foreign language. Therefore, giving the preposition "by" with some drawings repeatedly can be effective. Drilling is a good technique to teach some language pieces.
Expected outcome: The student is able to use the preposition of "by" with the vehicles.

How many house objects?
These pages can be used as handouts or in your online lessons.
When you reflect on the pages on your screen, the student is basically answering the "how many" question by circling the given house objects and writing the total numbers of them in the small purple square on the left-down corner of the screen.
Expected outcomes: The student is able to recognize the given house objects/items.
The student is able to count the given house objects/items.

Numbers Bingo
These cards may help your students to learn numbers' names in a fun way.
You can hand out cards randomly and play it like a real bingo game. Say all the numbers one by one randomly and your students will cross out the numbers that they hear. Whoever finishes earlier will say "Bingo!".
Expected Outcome: The student is able to read the names of the numbers from one to twenty.

Parts of The House & Family Members
These simple presentation pages can be a great warm-up or an oral assessment for your students to remember the family members and parts of the house. They can also make simple sentences with the verb "be" and the preposition "in".
"The mother is in the bedroom".
Expected Outcomes: The student is able to remember the names of the family members.
The student is able to remember the names of the parts of the house.
The student is able to make simple sentences with the verb "be".

The Days of The Week
This CUT-AND-PASTE activity will be helpful for the students who have just started to learn English as a second language or for the pre-primary level students.
The students are going to detect the DAYS OF THE WEEK names. They will cut the circles which have the days of the week names and they will try to put the names in order by pasting the circles. The colors of the circles will help them to put the correct days one after another.
Expected outcome: The student is able to name the days of the week in the correct order.

What do you have in your school bag?
This activity is an effective way of evaluating students in terms of knowing the school items, naming them, and also forming grammatically correct sentences with "I have" structure.
In this work, students will have a look at their backpack and draw lines between the backpack and the school items that they have. Then, they will complete the sentences starting with "I have" with the school items.
Expected outcomes:
The student is able to recognize the school items.
The student is able to name the school items.
The student is able to complete the sentences starting with "I have..." with the school items.

Which toy is this?
These game-like pages can give enthusiasm to your students in the way of learning the names of the toys. Simply just show the pages and let them guess the name of the toy. You can use this as a warm-up activity or a quick assessment.
Expected outcome: The student is able to remember the names the toys.

Who am I? / Feelings, Shapes, Classroom Objects, Numbers, Colors, Body Parts
This is a great portfolio or end-of-the-term/unit activity for your students. With this folding handout, you can see your students' learning outcomes all on a piece of paper and your student will have loads of fun designing herself.
You can see the boy version of this handout in my products.
To see the folding way, you can get help from the video that one of the excellent teachers of TPT shared in her TPT account: Wonder at the World
Expected Outcomes:
The student is able to write her name and her age.
The student is able to express her feelings.
The student is able to say her favorite colors.
The student is able to name the parts of the body.
The student is able to say her favorite shapes.
The student is able to name the classroom objects.

Who am I? / Feelings, Shapes, Classroom Objects, Numbers, Colors, Body Parts
This is a great portfolio or end-of-the-term/unit activity for your students. With this folding handout, you can see your students' learning outcomes all on a piece of paper and your student will have loads of fun designing himself.
You can see the girl version of this handout in my products.
To see the folding way, you can get help from the video that one of the excellent teachers of TPT shared in her TPT account: Wonder at the World
Expected Outcomes:
The student is able to write his name and his age.
The student is able to express his feelings.
The student is able to say his favorite colors.
The student is able to name the parts of the body.
The student is able to say his favorite shapes.
The student is able to name the classroom objects.